Whose Witness are You?
Pete Buttigieg is an impressive guy. This former presidential candidate (and potential running mate) gave us the best sound bites of the Democrat debates—smart, savvy, memorable. Yet his life is a tragic reflection of a nation hell-bent on denying its Creator. How else can you make sense of the silence that surrounded his faux marriage to a dude?
The fact that we no longer flinch when a man kisses his male ‘spouse’ on the global stage means we no longer take seriously the Creator and His purposes for our sexuality.
Sounds prudish, I know. Come on, you say, let Pete have his ‘happiness.’ When we think like that, we divorce God from happiness. ‘We concern ourselves with our own interests, and not the interests of Jesus Christ’ (Phil. 2:21). Every man and woman must give an answer to what (s)he does with the bodily powers of life and love. Either we aspire to fruitful communion (fusing the unitive and procreative) and represent the One in whose image we are made, or we meet our needs, our way. Whose witness are you?
Come on, you say: leave the oppressed ‘gay’ dude alone. Besides the billions of oppressed ‘gay’ dollars his campaign received, Pete is not the scapegoat here. His ‘out and proud’ status is merely one fractured witness of America’s culture of death, the one we each support in some form or another. I refer to the many dark strands of our national commitment to separating committed sexual love from the creation of children: contraception, abortion, surrogacy, fornication, divorce, porn and fantasy-driven lust and masturbation. Why not ‘gay’ everything? Come to think of it, why not get rid of gender altogether?
Note to the nation: sexual love is about uniting a man and a woman so they can aspire to create and care for kids reasonably well. It’s not about creating my ‘happiness’ by concocting some weird identity or relationship or habit that feels good to me. Sex is about life, creating and caring for someone else.
Just as most expressions of sexuality today fail to bring forth new life, so do these dead-end witnesses cast a shadow of death upon the children who fall under it. Last month at a Denver rally, Buttigieg answered a text-sent question from a 9-year-old boy in the crowd who asked: ‘Would you help me tell the world I am ‘gay’ too? I want to be brave too…’ The crowd chanted: ‘Love is love’…
Pete responded to the boy: ‘Your bravery is an inspiration…You’ll never know whose life you might be affecting by sharing your story…You never know who is feeling a little braver because of your courage.’ When you ‘honor’ Pete’s witness, you help conform a child to his dead-end witness.
Unchecked, much applauded LGBT-prattle from the Buttigiegs of this world stem from our culture of death and darken its shadow on the most vulnerable. We must decide: do we represent our Creator in our sexual values? Or the creature? Whose witness are you?
Please take time to watch our video and become ‘Chaste Together.’

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