Water Rising
‘I saw water coming out from the threshold of the temple…and where that river flows, everything shall live.’ (Ez. 47: 1, 9)
Deadened like you by a disastrous election (marriage trounced in four states, abortion’s champion re-elected—more on this later), I recalled how most of the DSM staff spent Election Day and I take heart.
We spent 12 hours in prayer in the Minneapolis House of Prayer, located in a church smack dab in the middle of the huge state university there. The prayer house is run by masterful musician Nate Oyloe who also runs Outpost, a sister ministry to Desert Stream which specializes in administering healing to those with SSA and their loved ones.
Throughout the day, different sets of musicians and intercessors prayed through the Apostle John’s prophesies to the different churches recorded in Rev. 2 and 3. That coincided with the end of our 40-day prayer cycle, which was sourced in Jesus’ call of repentance to the lukewarm, shamefully naked (and oblivious) church at Laodicea.
Having not eaten food in 40 days, I feasted on the faithful who sang like angels and prayed like prophets; I could see water rising from the altar and flowing out from the faith of those gathered. Most present were deeply familiar with same-sex attraction, whether personal or through a loved one.
Their prayers for real marriage, for purity, for transformation, for a loving, healing, truthful church had clout. Each knew how costly the golden calf of ‘gay marriage’ could be for their state. Deeper still, each lived in gratitude for the cost Jesus had already paid to make him/her a new creature.
We rode the wave of prayerful devotion and flowed out on the streets, right up the middle of student crowds. Many wore buttons opposing the conservative marriage initiative, while one university church decried it with a huge banner near its steeple. I marveled at the spirit of gender ‘anarchy’ apparent in the hard, defended women and stunted men; a large sign from one dorm window read–‘I Love Anal Sex.’
Deeper than revulsion ran the river from God’s house that makes all things new. I knew that one touch, one drop of that blood and water from His side, one draft of living water could transform an idolater into an icon of holy humanity. We returned to the prayer room and prayed for the city until we could no more.
The next day we discovered that the people on the streets beat us in the polls; they refused our marriage amendment. We lost many battles Tuesday but not the war. The life from the Body, flowing out onto those streets, has just begun to fight. Water levels are rising in the House of God.