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Turning toward Jesus Christ

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

Clearly we have witnessed a momentum to evil. One desecrating act begets another, broken boundaries fan out like myriad wildfires on dry forest.

But the momentum of repentance is more powerful still. As we turn back to Him, the Author and Redeemer of who we actually are, our spirits resound with the music of Heaven. We discover quickly that the enemy’s design for humanity is infinitely less satisfying and secure than God’s original design for His creation.

Budziszewski writes: “We are put together in such a way that although we can be pushed and pulled and drowsied by flickering images, we can’t be satisfied by them; we know too much, even in oblivion. Fallen knowledge troubles our sleep. We lie under a prickling enchantment of the image carved in our hearts, which is stronger than the counterspell and can never be quite scratched out.”

We turn Jesus, who alone has unique authority to summon the true (albeit slumbering) image in us. He invites us to surrender unto Himself—He who is the true image of God in humanity and He who alone possesses the authority to recover that design in us.

Paul in his letter to the Colossians highlights the supremacy of Jesus Christ—“the image of the invisible God.” (Col. 1:15). The Apostle claims that Christ created everything. As the Source of God’s image in humanity, Jesus is also the redeemer of its brokenness.

Paul underlines His work on the cross as Jesus’ authority to reconcile us back to the Father and His design for us. His death cancels out the desecration of His image in us; Hi s life raises us up ‘holy in His sight, without blemish, and free from accusation.’(1:22)

That requires one thing of us: turning to Him in full as the Hope of our recovery. (1:23)

Turning away from the damage done to marriage specifically and God’s image in general requires more than just hating the devastation; it involves cleaving to the Redeemer of the broken image in humanity. He alone holds the keys to our restoration.

We love Him. He is the only One who can rescue us from the dominating power of sin. Our first goal then is not the recovered marriage, the flood of pure feelings, the freedom from addiction—the first goal is setting our hearts on Him as the Author and Finisher of our redemption. He made us; He alone can redeem us.

Honor Jesus by honoring marriage. Vote YES on Proposition 8.

The best way to overcome false desires is to cultivate true ones (C. S. Lewis); in turn, let us not be overcome by evil, but rather overcome evil with good. (Rom. 18:21)

“Jesus, we acknowledge You as that highest good. We want to cultivate desire for You. We place our confidence in Your mercy and design for our lives.”


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