November 2: He Sees, He Seeks, He Saves
And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that I shall lose none of all that He has given Me…For My Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal Life…’ (Jn 6: 39, 40)
Jesus saves the lost: homeless ones on whom God’s favor rests. To do so, He employs the Church—clear-enough icons—to look with eyes of blazing love on them. Though the Gospel passage (JN 6) points to the sinner’s need to look to Jesus, such repentance is a response to the Eyes of love which scour the universe and lay claim to His wayward creation. How kind of God to help us to see the lost as He does—wanderers looking for home.
My amazing mother looked with eyes of love on me when I declared to her my ‘gay self.’ She looked with tearful compassion and simply said: ‘I wanted more for you.’ ‘More?’ I thought, ‘What lies beyond my new sensational world?’ The mystery of ‘more’ quietly highlighted my malaise and prepared me for the One who never ceased to see me, and seek me, as His son.
The prevailing lie in the gay community at that time was that the Church was a liar’s prison—a hateful, repressive place that created hypocrites. The enemy had blinded our eyes to the One who looked at us in order to secure us in love. Today I seek to be a true icon of the Church—a welcoming, trustworthy window—that grants sinners a glimpse of the One longing for their return to Him.
I have formed a friendship with a ‘gay‘-identified man who like most of us has work and family-related troubles. I pray for him often and give him occasional words of encouragement from the Father. The other day he replied: ‘I did not think God cared about my life.’ The Church knows otherwise and has the responsibility to clear such debris from lost hearts.
We must ask Jesus for renewed passion in looking for the lost, and seeing them with His eyes. The sure mark of lukewarm faith is a failure to care about other’s eternal destinies. Self-concern causes us to lose sight of others. Lukewarm Christians also can assume falsely that everyone ‘makes it to heaven’ (a popular myth in Catholic culture) or simply by assuming that such an effort is God’s business. It is the business of the Church.
With urgency, let us pray that we as the Church would become a clear and compassionate icon of the God who sees, seeks, and saves the lost.
‘Why will you die, O house of Israel? For I take no delight in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!’ (EZ. 18: 31, 32)
Please join us as we pray for:
Conferences: For our 2015 conferences, scheduled in Reseda, CA and proposed in Chicago, Virginia and Ohio
Aguas Vivas: Bocono, Venezuela, Betsy – Coordinator: Grace and all they need to run their group in the midst of a highly unstable political climate.
RHN: Apokata Psychotherapy, Robert Brennan, San Francisco, CA: Divine strategy for encountering resistance in clients that is backed by strongholds. Also for more of God’s presence in the counseling room. New Hope Ministries, Howard Hervey, San Rafael, CA: Lord’s direction for the ministry; new vision and purpose for New Hope. Also for growth for their support group.
“Courage for Pope Francis, that he would ensure that the Church becomes a clear fountain of transformation for persons with same-sex attraction!”