Not Alone
‘Now in Christ Jesus you who were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ’ (Eph. 2:13).

To find the narrow way between romancing LGBTQ+ers and demonizing them can be lonely. How few seem to grasp that immersion in the Blood and merciful Body of Christ is the only way for the sexually fractured to become whole!
I chuckled as I read about Father James Martin's three-day rainbow gala this month at Fordham University. His bloodless approach to assimilating LGBTQ+ers in the Church (especially cruel in its guise of ‘compassion’: he mimics the world in advocating for an endangered people group who need only a cross-free kindness) raised the ire of 92,000 persons who railed at him. Not enough to sign a petition. We who ‘get’ transformation must act with urgency to help restore the divided. Through the Blood. In this One Body. Integration. Wholeness.
How marvelous are members of Christ who bring those who are far away near! I cherish each one during Pride Month, especially Annette. I write these words next to her on our 42nd anniversary. She has slept, laughed and prayed with this sinner every step of the way. We have endured countless battles together.
I delight in serving alongside her (we are leading a retreat in Santa Fe, NM): her joy in accompanying wounded ones by sharing her own wounds dissolves walls.
We are not alone. Today I grieve that Pope Francis has naively advocated for Father Martin’s efforts. Does Francis not understand that Jesus through His Church is liberating rainbow captives? My pastor, Father Justin Hoye, insists that our Living Waters groups meet in the sanctuary, before the altar. Justin is clear: no basement or rented room will do. Those distanced from God by sexual sin and wounds will be brought near through Jesus’ Blood in this one Body!
While confusing churchmen distress me, members of Jesus like you bolster me. Heaven helps us. ‘Don’t be afraid…Those who are with you are more than those who are with them…The Lord opened his eyes and he saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire around Elisha’ (2 Ki. 6:15-17). We are surrounded, never alone.