Mercy 5: Waking Up, Mercifully
‘I will rouse your sons, O Zion, and make them like a warrior’s sword.’ (Zech. 9: 13)
Rouse thyself! May one glimpse of the world’s rendering of gender and sexuality provoke godly zeal in you. May zeal for His image consume us.
In October, California lawmakers gave K-12 students the state the choice to decide which bathroom to use and which team to play on based on their inner sense of gender. Biology no longer determines male and female. Blind guides have handed the reins to confounded children, who now lead the state into gender oblivion.
Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), the only governor in the Northeast to buck ‘gay marriage’, threw in the towel when gay couples mobilized with activist judges to appeal the state law denying ‘gay marriage’; the state high court sided with them. The same strategy between gay couples, activist judges, and sympathetic Supreme Courts is underway in over 20 states.
The church seems paralyzed by this breath-taking redefinition of gender, sexuality, and marriage. A pastor whose church ranks as the most ‘successful’ in his denomination recently stated that within his rather elite set of mega-church pastors he is the only one willing to even address the homosexual ‘issue.’
Our lack of wisdom and foresight is grave. Gender confusion is not born; it is a product of a chaotic, confounding world. And the afflicting power of sin knows only one antidote: the transforming love of Jesus, both preached and practiced.
Anne Paulk told me that at RHN she is receiving a new wave of requests for help from young people who are crying out for mercy amid all these confounding liberties. A generation weaned on freedom from gender constraints is waking up. They are no longer looking for a pass to be broken; they want restoration.
I just received a report from a 4-year-old boy I ministered to who wanted to be a girl. His parents reported gratefully that their now 17-year-old son is a blessedly grounded male.
Though some churches slumber, others are provoked. She is mobilizing for mercy. We at DSM are receiving requests to equip churches in far flung places. Pastors are asking: ‘What can we do? How do we extend mercy that restores broken humanity?’ I recently met with a high-ranking church official who wants to open doors of hope for the sexually broken. He is provoked: absurd and arbitrary ‘justice’ that enshrines gender brokenness has fired his zeal for the real thing.
Let it be so, O God. Open our eyes to enslaving liberties and the only One who can set us free from them.
‘We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-church, between the Gospel and the anti-gospel, between Christ and the anti-Christ…it must be a trial that the Church takes up and faces courageously. We must be prepared to suffer great trials before long, such as will demand of us a disposition to give up our own life, a total dedication to Christ and for Christ.’ John Paul ll
Prayer Points for November 10th:
Desert Stream/Living Waters: Rocky Mountains: Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, Cindy Del Hierro, Regional Coordinator. Please pray for those interested in starting a group in Kalispell, MT.
Restored Hope Network: Hope2TurnMinistry, Rockford, Il. Eric Lundstrom, Director. Specialty: working with men and families. Reconciliation Ministries, Roseville, MI (nr Detroit) Dan Hitz, Director. Specialty: Dan, a licensed counselor, works with men, women and youth, runs Living Waters, is a gifted speaker and prayer warrior.
Courage: Healing and conversion for those in the gay community or who identify as gay.
Cor Project: Spiritual protection in the implementation of our programs.