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Marriage Disciplines the Greed of the Gay Community

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

Gay activists are relentless in their push for full embrace in the culture. And ‘gay marriage’ is the prize for attaining ‘normal.’

Throughout my adult life in ministry to the homosexual, I have witnessed the evolution of this relentless drive. What began in the seventies as mild anti-discrimination laws protecting gays has become in the 21st century a radical insistence: we want full rights and privileges on par with heterosexuals. In other words, we want marriage and family.

At denominational conventions, city hall and school board meetings, on college campuses, in churches, at our conferences, I have witnessed the drive of gay activists toward full inclusion. Somehow, someone‘s decision to pursue a particular course of sexual identification and pleasure becomes the obligation of society to bless it.

Today, we are doing just that. We confirm gays as if that tag were the highest and truest expression of his/her humanity. We codify their demands, put them on the books as constitutional rights. We coddle them, as if they were needy, noisy children whom we appease just so they would not make another scene.

I see this time and time again in families. One member leaves home then returns with a special friend, maybe a child via adoption, etc. The shocked family flinches at first then over time stops flinching. To avoid another round of conflict, the family changes. The essentially selfish and immoral member wins by virtue of self-insinuation.

That is exactly how I feel about the gay marriage issue. I did not choose this battle. Marriage had been squarely defined as heterosexual in CA. Gay activists pushed until their appointment with the Supreme Court. Like foolish, codependent parents, the Court appeased the greedy children that they are.

So now we fight. And we should. To give gays marriage is to give the addict another fix. It will not satisfy their demand for ‘normal.’ It cannot. External measures cannot resolve their internal conflict between design and desire, as we have seen.

Budziszewski writes: “To remove the sting of guilt, we entomb it until it seems beautiful to us. Every movement to excuse a moral wrong becomes a movement to condone it, and every movement to condone a moral wrong becomes a movement to extend it.”

Stop the greed of gay activists. Do not reinforce their corporate immaturity. Do not cede marriage to them! Restrain ‘the greed, which is idolatry.’ (Eph.5:5) To allow ‘gay marriage’ to remain the law of the land is to allow a virulent strain of immoral greed to flourish in the land. Honor Marriage for the good of all. Vote YES on Proposition 8.

“Father, we ask for the grace to fight the greed of gay activists. Give us the clear seeing that to merely concede to their demands is foolish and unloving. For all.”


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