Intimate Presence
Lent’s invitation to let go of stuff means little if we don’t invite Jesus into empty spaces.

I am trying this year to make the exchange simple. With fewer diversions and stimulants, I linger longer in His Presence. Maybe before the Divine Mercy pic in my living room. Or a Cross on bedroom wall. Or the Crucifix in sanctuary. Or symbol-free, shutting eyes for a few moments and breathing ‘Je-sus’ (in then out). I am grateful for His Presence.
I am a cluttered mess; most conversations I have clutter me further. Whether Trump delights or disgusts you, his methods drain us all. And the Internet roar of Church ‘abuses’ subject us to shameful nakedness and naked reactions that often defy reason and temperance.
I need Jesus. I need to unclutter and be renewed by the foundation of all living: my foundation, the Lover of my soul.
Lent isn’t about going without. It’s about Him, giving Him the space we’ve ceded to other voices. Lent invites us to the One voice—to pray lest we be preyed upon and consumed by virtual robbers.
This isn’t checking out. It’s checking in with the only Presence endowed with authority to spotlight our divided courts. In this way, we can say with St. Paul, Lent IS undivided devotion to Jesus (1 Cor. 7:35).
That means an earthy chastity check-up. Undivided spiritual devotion, if authentic, will always result in the reordering of our human courts. Jesus directs us always to become more chaste, to renew love for a few. Family and close friends benefit most. Free from a few distractions, we do well to feel our need for another and connect with him or her.
Lenten alms may be as simple as saying: ‘In my haste, I have missed you and am sorry for failing to show you my love.’ This Lent, I first consider my wife and kids. How easy to take them for granted! And friends. I delight in helping each—married, single, or celibate for the Kingdom—to become the best gift he can be to woman and Church.
That takes a consistent effort on which I may have lapsed. Gentle conviction prompts gentle connection. I do so gladly. My chastity hinges on undivided gift-giving.
Jesus, lead on this Lent. As we empty ourselves a little, fill the spaces with Yourself and the good love we share with a few.
I am in the same place. Your words ecchoes mine. Let us seek Christ together in different parts of the world.
Shalom DS/LW Team. Even in the seeking after the Real Presence, or ordering my steps aright, The Blessed Holy Spirit has demonstrated again and again the He is so at work, blessing me or using me as a conduit to becoming a conduit of blessing. The other day, as I prayed long distance for a friend assigned in a prison, he bore his soul and I tried to be patient and offer words, that might aid his issues. Then we went to prayer, As he spoke out his heart to The Triune God, I began to hear his name being pronounced on the stre…
Thank you, Andrew, for your precious thoughts and words. Decluttering my life makes space for new experiences. Decluttering my house makes space for a new freedom around me. Decluttering from all kinds of distractions helps me focus on the really important things in my life again. Decluttering my time makes more room for being together with Christ my Lord and great love.
I have already broken my intention for lent to not eat meat during this time. But, is lent really all about that? The fire in my heart started burning again, a fire that I thought had been blown out in the upheavals of the last years while walking through a long dry desert. I prayed to Christ to…
Andrew, thank you so much for this timely word and reminder! Jesus is WITH us in the moments of our lives!