I’m Angry and I Need Your Help!
Bruce Jenner a woman?
America’s fractured take on gender and sexuality took a turn for the worse as this US Olympic Gold Decathlon winner becomes the new and pathetic face of artificial womanhood. Father of 6 and 65-years-old, he has ignited a media blitzkrieg, including a new reality series, in which we are to sympathize with his need to butcher and drug himself into another gender.
The truth: Jenner will always be a man, and his delusional efforts to change that will not result in a better emotional adjustment, as follow-up studies on ‘gender reassignment’ show. He will only hurt himself further.
Where is the Church who upholds the mandate to be reconciled to one’s gender while inviting fractured souls into a healing community who will walk with them into wholeness?
I think of Karen who came to our church as Kevin 20 years ago. A fragile, fractured soul, she too believed that changing her gender would bring peace. A family of faith loved her while calling her to become who she is.
Living Waters was the main vehicle God used to provide a safe, insightful and powerful track on which she could shed her misidentification and begin to embrace the gender of her birth. She has become who she is–a beautiful, authentic woman.
The Creator has a plan. The Redeemer invites us to discover that plan through the power of holy love. Through the Living Waters program, we at Desert Stream Ministries are committed to helping the Church invite others into that love. We don’t want a member of your family to consider any other option.
Living Waters is a 20-week healing course that churches run continuously for their fractured ones. All manner of sexual and gender brokenness applies.
I’m angry because too many young people will read or hear the story of Jenner’s conversion and may end up believing this is their solution. There are too few alternative truths being presented in the media.
And yet there is hope! Churches around the world are waking up to their need to give a sound pastoral response to fractured souls. Faithful ones in Asia, Europe, and Latin America are clamoring to release the truth in their care of souls. Please help us help them.
Your generous gift will help us build a truthful, transformational Church. Please help us release Living Waters everywhere.
I need your help like never before. I don’t want a fractured member of your community to give in to the same delusion as Bruce did.
Can I please count on you to make a gift of any amount today?
