‘He afflicted you with hunger then fed you…’ (Deut. 8:3).
I hungered for Jesus and community and California after leaving IHOP-KC. Why did we come to the Midwest? What is ‘Church’ anyway? A group who prays together until displeased, or until the leader preys on them?
I hungered for a form of worship defined by more than the Bethel/Hillsong/Elevation (or whatever) Top-Ten. And was weary of being subject to the whims of leaders who decide their own course and may well drive the place into oblivion.
So I started attending our neighborhood Catholic parish. Nothing sexy: music tepid, preaching so-so. But I knew this place claimed Peter as its founder and shaped Western civilization more than any other institution.

Personally, I was mesmerized by the huge Crucifix and the tiny round hosts drawn from the tabernacle underneath it. I learned from the priest that ‘the host becomes Jesus Crucified and Raised through the prayers of the priest. It’s not because I am so holy but Jesus is; He honors the authority He has given His Church. I fail but Jesus never fails to feed His sheep through the Church.’
That made sense to me—uniting Eucharistic worship with Church authority. I hungered for that meal in the Spirit of John 6 (‘My flesh is real bread, My Blood real drink’). I came most mornings for a couple of years and watched from the back as congregants knelt and stood and waited for Eucharist, the piece-de-resistance. I wondered why they weren’t more excited. Hey, you guys should be giddy: you think this piece of ground wheat is Jesus Himself!
I came to believe that, too. I grew hungrier as days passed, so I started prepping for the meal through a couple rounds of classes.
It was costly. Many hated the idea of my openness to Catholicism. Weird. Everyone seems so tolerant of ‘Catholics’ until you become one. Yet the loudest voices, however painful, heightened my hunger for the meal. I could barely wait to eat. This non-Catholic yearned for the first fruit of membership.
I was faint with hunger on that Easter Vigil. He fulfilled my desire with Himself. Jesus in the Eucharist is deeper than fireworks are sensational. In my ache for Him and Church, He satisfied me in a whole new way.
Of course, I lost other stuff, big stuff, namely, that non-Catholics can’t join me at table. But even without family and friends, I discovered at table the worship for which I longed.
That longing is deeper than solidarity or sex or ambition or beauty. It is for the One who made and is redeeming me and who wills in jaw-dropping humility to unite Himself to me. No one satisfies like He does.
I’ve known about your conversion to Catholicism for quite a while now Andrew. But this is more about that process than I had heard before. Having gone through Living Waters myself and then being a small group leader a couple of times I have a great appreciation for the ministry.
I also have a good number of Catholic friends who are very strong Christians and I have fellowshipped with them for decades. I do have a concern about the exclusivity of the Eucharist in the Catholic Church. And your description of the host only becoming Jesus’s body by the prayer of the priest is troubling to me. I think in the other comments we have seen that that transformation seems to…
Eventually, when we will stand before the Risen One, the Lamb of God slain for us, we will not wear any sign (Jewish, Calvinist, Catholic, Charismatic ….) except we will have. our new name .. that will only be known to me and Him.
Two Books were gifted me in the late 70s, "Broken Image" & "Crisis in Masculinity" both by Leanne Payne, which renewed my hope that I could be a different, free person. Out of it came a plea for counseling to PCM, which gifted me Mario Bergner as my 1st instruction with the gifts of repentance. For 3 days, I met with him, confessing, recalling, renouncing, doing all the deeds worthy of repentance. At the end of each 3 hr. session, I would exit the office, and hear a very strong version of Mozart's "Ave Verum Corpus". For three days, I would hear this intensity, but it had no relevance or import. Yet I so loved it's presence. The inner heal…
Thank you so much for sharing! I have known this hunger as well. I was searching for Christ and could not find Him until a priest placed the Eucharist, the bread that is Christ, in my hands even before I was Catholic. I am very grateful for him to have done that although it was against church laws. But he saw my hunger. My eyes were then suddenly opened and I knew immediately that this bread was Him. Christ found me and fulfilled my deep desire to see and touch Him. It changed my life forever. I left my girlfriend and followed Him. I knew I had to decide between the two. I could not have both at the same…