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Humility and Mercy

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

Join us today at 3pm (CST) as we intercede for loved ones in need of God’s mercy.

Humility and Mercy

40 Days of Mercy Devotional – Lent 2012 – Day 26

God has surrounded me with His special Mercy precisely because I am the weakest of all people. (1099) Humility is nothing but the truth. (1502) Your attitude should be the same as Christ Jesus, who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant… (Phil. 2: 6,7) I put up with this Church in the hope that one day it will become better just as it is constrained to put up with me in the hope that one day I will become better. Erasmus

May strong Mercy empower us to love others. We take our cues from You, O Lord of love, who uses power to empower us onto higher, truer expressions of our humanity. As we humble ourselves before You, elevate our vision, O God. As we humble ourselves before Your family on earth, use us to elevate their vision. Let strong Mercy flow from humble reckoning with our weakness before You, Humble King.

For the complete 40 Days of Mercy Devotional – Lent 2012, click here to download.  For a paper copy, United States only, please call Desert Streams Ministries at (866) 359-0500. 

Author’s note – Each day’s entry is based a passage from St Faustina’s diary. The passage entry from the diary is the number in parentheses at the end of each opening quote. Diary of St Maria Faustina Kowalska – Divine Mercy in My Soul (Association of Marion Helpers, Stockbridge, MA 01263) is available through the publisher or


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