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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Comiskey

Holy Resistance 2

By Marco Casanova

“You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it” (Mt 16:18).

Usually trademarked by LGBT parading throughout the globe, June makes for an interesting month. The shameless gender bending movements have a way of releasing a seductive cloud over cities. We must fight for those who still “limp between two opinions” (1 Kings 18:21). May we be “unashamed of the gospel” (Rom 1:16) that calls us out of sexy idolatry into the reality of Jesus.

As a dude who’s struggled with homo-erotic compromises, this month can be a battle. I’m proud of the ground taken in my fight for chastity, and humbled that the power of Jesus made such a campaign possible. Yet recently I was cautioned that the idols had not forgotten my name. Even though “they have mouths, but cannot speak” (Ps 115:5), idols have a way of igniting a seductive fire. Its secondary smoke impacts me.

What do we do when we feel a subtle seduction? Rouse yourself to stand. Look to the witnesses who have gone before us: St. Charles Lwanga, a young adult who stood for Jesus in the lure of royal “gay” seduction; Sts. Peter and Paul, chosen apostles, who stood for the “foolish” Crucified One as the pagan world belittled their convictions. These men are no dusty museum pieces of trite devotion. They’re Body members who fight for us when we start feeling the resistance.

How did they do it? Their Friend set His heart towards them:

“I do not ask for perfection from those whom I have chosen to be My friends; I ask only that they give Me their imperfection and the burden of their sins, and allow Me to do for them what, of themselves, they are incapable of doing… ‘Without Me, you can do nothing’…Why is this word of Mine so often forgotten? It is a word of immense power for the healing and liberation of souls because, understood rightly, it obliges them to run to Me in every necessity of body, mind, or spirit, and to allow Me to be their Savior, their Physician, and their God.” (In Sinu Jesu)

This Church of ours was made to march; Jesus promises that hellish resistance will not stand a chance. Fortified by Him and His friends, we stand firm.

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