Healing Power of Infant Jesus
Updated: Dec 27, 2021
By Abbey Foard
We enter the manger tonight and adore Infant Jesus. There He invites us to heal. Let me give you an example from a recent Living Waters Training.

Our small group sat still and silent around one precious woman. As Eva disclosed the lifelong impact of abandonment, we felt its weight. Her long pursuit of healing, a few decades of seeking relief, had not secured her at core. At base, Eva’s world was dark and lonely.
Her early life—no parental response to her need, no care for her cries—resulted in dark emotions. Experiences of childhood neglect taught her to be silent and self-sufficient. For 35 years, she was.
We began to listen prayerfully. After moments of quiet and a tangible awareness of this woman’s need, we asked if she was sensing anything from the Lord. Nothing. Grief and torment clouded her face. Would this Jesus come? We waited: her pain palpable. Could anyone—would anyone—break into Eva’s isolation? We loved her. We felt her silent night.
But slowly a picture came: Eva, baby in a crib, darkened in the corner of her parent’s apartment. Family members passed without seeing her, ignoring her cries and hunger.
Then, an unexpected sight! An angel lit up the room and picked up the needy babe. He carried her with haste to Jesus’ manger-bed. The angel laid her down next to the Babe of Bethlehem then tucked her under the watchful gaze of Mary and Joseph.
Jesus could not speak to Eva; He could only breathe, cry, sleep, eat. And we encouraged our sister to learn from Him. As she rested next to him, we began to see her breathe deeply. As Jesus rested under the protective gaze of His parents, she began to perceive safety and security for the first time. As Jesus cried, expressing His early need and hunger, He silently invited Eva to give voice to her need!
We asked Eva what was happening. She said: “I feel warm. Calm. Peace. Joy. I am breathing.” We could see contentment on her face. Eva’s core need was being met through a bond with the Christ child—her life becoming secure in His love. We ended prayer and gazed upon our radiant sister. Instead of darkness, a glory shone upon her.
Infant Jesus breaks our darkness. Isaiah prophesied it. He saw a deep shroud covering the people of the earth (Isaiah 60:2) then the glorious Infant, quietly shattering the darkness.
This Christmas, may we adore the Christ-child and rest with Him. He invites us to discover His healing Presence where we most need it.