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Fighting Fathers

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

‘Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint.’ (PR 29:18)

Without vision from spiritual parents, God’s children wither. And wander. An entire generation is now subject to ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner and ‘gay marriage,’ and the scandalizing of persons who aspire to chastity.

Christian leaders who respond to the chaos by using the soft language of ‘love’ (words like mercy, grace, and inclusion) without telling the truth of the Father’s claim upon our sexual and gender selves contribute to the problem. These ‘fathers’ and ‘mothers’ are actually more like toothless grandparents who placate the empowered and leave the weak to fend for themselves. In altering the boundary lines to accommodate ‘culture,’ these shepherds allow wild animals to plunder God’s flock.

Two same-sex strugglers from England disclosed to me the demoralizing impact of Ireland’s ‘gay marriage’ victory upon them. The first is a man greatly helped by Courage and a devout Catholic; he struggled with Pope Francis saying nothing about Ireland redefining marriage and by London’s Cardinal saying Mass for the GLBT group in London while sidelining the Courage group altogether.

He confessed: “I don’t know what to do. I feel bereft and genuinely unprotected and not shepherded well. Perhaps this springs from some contributors to my SSA , namely, abandonment by and mistrust of male authority. But part of my concern is real and not just about my ‘issues.’ “

A woman whom Jesus called out of lesbianism said: ‘The Irish vote shocked and unnerved me. As the world celebrates same-sex relationships, it gets tougher and tougher… Just recently, starting in dreams, I have been experiencing some strong attractions to a woman I know. I feel as if the Lord is saying that I should be prepared to follow Him into the wilderness and face temptation as He did.’

Will we as mothers and fathers of the Church stand with these faithful ones in the desert of today’s moral landscape? Will our vision pierce through the world’s fractured solutions and grant us true sight for God’s children? Will we fight for their chastity? Will our love for persons originate in the Father’s heart and vision?

Our answer to these questions will help determine the fruitfulness of a generation.


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