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False Justice

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

‘Justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.’ (Is. 59: 14, 15)

Obama’s ‘gay marriage’ commitment is hypocritical and an affront to true justice.

He vows ‘gay marriage’ then jets to Hollywood where a band of celebrities who mock marriage give the president $15 million for championing ‘gay marriage’. (Do Clooney, Pitt, etc. hope that same-sex couples will be more monogamous than they have been?)

Or perhaps these celebs and their president know what ‘married’ gay sex columnist Dan Savage does. He implores all couples to follow the tendency of gay couples to honor infidelity in their marriages as a way of spicing up the boredom of monogamy. ‘Gay marriage’ redefines monogamy as tolerating the other’s ‘scratching the itch with whomever one is with’.

No worries: Savage insists that his recently adopted son isn’t impacted at all by his ‘open marriage’. Who knew?

Apparently not Obama. The president cites several gay couples he knows as nice people. So nice people are cause for gutting marriage of fidelity and the potential for wholeness and creativity that can only be achieved heterosexually?

Admittedly, such wholeness goes unrealized for many couples who make a mess of marriage. Yet only man and woman together can create children and grant them a fighting chance to emulate their whole-enough example.

Claiming the justice of ‘marriage equality’ for gays, Obama actually puts children at risk by exposing them to a skewed ‘marital’ model of gender and boundaries.

But what about the claim of justice for ‘gay’ people’?

Here Obama stumbles the hardest. ‘Gay marriage’ is a false and cruel solution to the real brokenness that underlies same-sex attraction.

Same-sex attraction stems out of gender disintegration, not wholeness; a man’s same gender longings are not at core sexual but reveal a failure to come into whole-enough manhood. (The issues are similar for women with some variation.)

We recognize this disintegration when we see it. The majority of us cringe when we witness two men or two women at the altar vowing sexual and spiritual unity. We know it is wrong: not because we are Pharisees or homophobes but because we know in our depths that something is skewed. We know that something is not whole about homosexual unions.

What then is true justice for gays? The mercy that calls them to admit that they have a problem, the same way that people with other sexual and relational problems seek help.

I just returned from a meeting with a group of men coming out of same-sex attraction. Each is learning to accept his manhood and that of other men non-sexually, and if married, to be a faithful and attentive spouse for his wife. Just like all men should.

Real justice names a problem and resolves it. ‘Gay marriage’ promises a resolution but cannot deliver it. Same-gendered persons can never find sexual wholeness in each other. They never could and never will.

We have been tendered a pack of lies. Activists and their Obama-like supporters have turned real justice on its ear by making the real brokenness of homosexuality our brokenness for not giving them ‘marriage.’

President Obama, you have been deceived and are now deceiving millions with your stand on ‘gay marriage’. Your justice for gays is as cruel as death. In legitimizing gender disintegration, you raise a false standard for the vulnerable. And you mislead children who look to you as to what they should become. They deserve better.


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