Desert Stream Ministries 2013 Mid-Year Newsletter
Updated: Jul 20, 2021
I am happy to announce the release of Desert Stream Ministries 2013 Mid-year Newsletter. The newsletter features articles written by myself and Annette along with special contributions from friends of Desert Stream.

In Intimate Authority, Tender Army, I write:
Mary Magdalene is considered by the Roman Catholic Church to be the Apostle of Apostles. Why? The risen Christ revealed Himself to her first; out of all the disciples, God entrusted her with the witness of the resurrection.
How can this be? Mary had no authority in the eyes of men. Living on the fringe of a ‘religious’ culture, she is commonly understood to have traded her body for money. Moral poverty made her less than credible; she cast a shadow on the company she kept.
Jesus drew her out of the shadows. He offered her a love deeper than shame and more powerful than the demons she housed. He made her new. In His intimate love for her, Mary became mighty. God entrusted her to bear witness of history’s greatest event.
Click here to download the complete newsletter.