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Converting the Church

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

What woke us up? Was it Covergirl magazine featuring its first ‘coverboy,’ a dude whose extreme makeup blurs any gender distinctions? Was it ‘Modern Family’ featuring its ‘gay’ married couple advocating for a ‘transgender’ 8-year-old child (talk about the blind leading the blind off a cliff)? Was it the two nuns who broke their vows to Jesus in order to ‘wed’ each other under Italy’s new ‘gay’ civil marriage law, invoking papal ‘mercy’ (‘who am I to judge?’) and intent on doing all they can to convert the Church to their new version of ‘love’?

Maybe it was the ‘coming out’ of our own family members and the muddy ‘mercy’ a worldly pastor offered in response. Or maybe it was our own wandering into enslaving liberties, a world that celebrated our rebellion while consuming our human dignity, one orgasm at a time.

A shameless culture woke us up to our shame, and the glorious light of Life shining on Christ Crucified. Somehow we remembered that He suffered for more than just high-fiving the fracturing of His own image in a host of gender identities. We knew deeper than our doubts that His resurrection cancels out the hell we have made of our humanity and restores broken willing humans to their original stature and integrity.

We glimpsed the reality of a Church being converted yesterday at an ‘Open to Life’ gathering we sponsored for pastors, priests, and therapists. We came in humble authority, declaring the power of Jesus through His body to restore a host of gender-related disorders and to set us free from all the sins we conceived in unyielded brokenness.

We entered in through the Cross; in the light of Love, we examined the fault lines on which the gender-bending craze is built. And we celebrated lives rescued from distortion and despair through members united with their Head—pastors, counselors, devout laity. We rejoiced in the dignity He fights for in the battle over our identities. And we stood together, regardless of the flavor of our faith. We joined ranks, more committed than ever to be the Church that is ready to aid in the rescue of many, ex-slaves like ourselves who too will be washed and ready for Him.


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