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Clarity for a Confused Child

Guest Author

I know my beloved daughter well. I fight for her best, especially when she refuses the beauty that I see.

I am so proud of her. I love her generous heart and joyous spirit. I love the way she lights up a room when she enters it. I owe a debt of gratitude to her. When she was an infant, fresh in this world, she taught me the gentleness and delight of femininity. I had missed that life-lesson from my own mother but saw it in all its glory in my daughter. Her ‘little-girl-ness’ helped me to embrace my womanhood and become who I am today. Over the years, through the cruelty of life, something shifted in her and my sweet girl began to question her identity. Then she fought it. Her solution? Deny her femininity and enter an alternative lifestyle that belies who she is at core. Confusion now obscures her original beauty. But I still see her clearly: she is a beloved daughter of the King! At first, we tried to maintain a close relationship; we agreed to disagree regarding her lifestyle choices. Then a new partner came along and demanded that I bless their relationship. This new person didn’t like my affiliation with Desert Stream Ministries or Living Waters. The day came when my beloved daughter gave me an ultimatum: choose DSM or her. At that moment I had one of the sanest thoughts in my life: This is no choice, I choose both! I doubled down on my commitment to DSM through financial giving and service in Living Waters leadership and entrusted my daughter to Jesus. Today, years later, I continue to pour out my heart in prayer for and ministry to other mothers’ children who desire to be free from sexual and relational brokenness. I trust that another will be there to minister to my daughter when she is ready. She deserves the opportunity to rediscover the Path and enjoy His presence forever.

I stand strong against confusion, and at times, hopelessness. I celebrate my daughter, trusting that light always overcomes darkness.


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