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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Comiskey

Christian, Pray for America

Christian, pray for America.


After the presidential debate—the worst display of American politics I’ve ever seen—we’ve nowhere to go but up. And Cher, start packing. You promised to leave America if Trump gets elected and as of last night he did.

I am among the minority of Christians who are really unhappy about that. I can’t vote for a man who still believes he won the last election while cheering on thugs who overtook the White House on Jan 6th. Trump changes reality to suit his own darkened one. He leads us into unreality.


And Biden can no longer function in reality. Rather than feeling sorry for a person with brain loss, I dislike his pride for not passing the baton. Pray for a lucid moment, a humble one, in which he does.


Two men driven and deluded by pride. Christian, pray for America.   

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