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Aliens in America: Day 35

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

Rejoice with Trembling 

‘As aliens, live in reverent fear’ (1 Pet. 1:17).  


I pray with expectancy for good to come from Trump’s presidency. I pray with fear and trembling for godly restraint of Trump’s worst tendencies. I pray restraint for those who refuse to see these due to Christian exuberance. God forbid we mistake a political ruler for a holy one. Jesus alone is Lord; any other claim mocks God and man.  


‘Since we call on a God who judges each man impartially, live your lives as aliens in reverent fear’ (1 Pet. 1:17). This ‘fear’ is not terror but rather a weighty awe and sobriety before the Sovereign Lord of all. He is judge of every person’s motives and deeds over a life span, for which we will give account when we see Him face-to-face.  


Two experiences brought this home to me. As a young man alive to the truth of the Gospel and burning with same-sex longing for a friend (my intention was to partner indefinitely with him), God whispered: ‘If you proceed with your plans, you will be lost to me forever.’ I surrendered to His Lordship out of godly fear. Years later, I faced a difficult leadership decision with someone who made my life miserable. In my heart, I damned him. God placed His hand on my head and incinerated me (in a vision). Gone, baby, gone. I repented in tears for cursing His son. 


We have lost this category of holy fear before the Lord of all. In my charismatic world, we have reduced this ‘impartial’ Judge to ‘Daddy.’ Linguistic theologian James Barr debunks that myth in his rich Abba Isn’t Daddy article. Instead, he likens ‘Abba’ to a familiar but honoring word we employ for a father worthy of our respect over a lifespan. God’s tender love for us, His obedient children, cannot be separated from His judgment and, in turn, the reverent fear that should mark us as Christians in the world, including the political.  

Aliens in America need to think and live and act differently from others. We were plucked from the dominant culture in order to run counter to it and so bear witness to the Lord of all.  


Fellow aliens, these are my suggestions as to how to proceed with the new Trump administration: 


First, alien status grants us a necessary detachment—our first allegiance is to the Kingdom of God, not the state. Still, we ‘show proper respect to everybody: love your brothers (even Democrats), fear God, and honor the King’ (1 Pet. 2:17). Trump would love that. Given Jesus’ sole Sovereignty, we can reasonably ‘submit to human authority’ (1 Pet. 2:13). 


Which brings me to my second point. Please resist the notion that Trump is God’s man (as if Biden, Obama, or Bush were!). We chose him, fair and square. God didn’t. Most of us got who we wanted. I trust God with that choice but refuse to give Trump or any head of state holy status. 


I tremble at those who believe Trump fulfills prophecies to reclaim America’s (Israel’s?) former glory, even quoting OT passages that liken him to an ancient royal or prophet. Aliens discern godly leadership in persons whose lives are transformed by the Holy One. Not evident in the Trumpster. It’s enough that he has unusual political skills and deficits that God will use to fulfill His purposes. Way beyond me.  


Third, Trump’s values divide the Gospel of Jesus: as many values reflect Him as hide His beautiful face. It’s up to reasonable people to discern which is which. And to say so. Christians can get way too subjective and swoony about perceived ‘saviors,’ whether in church or state.  


Don’t be a dumb sheep. Stay true to conscience, ‘that gift of God, the strong, still, uncomfortably honest voice inside you that speaks the truth if we let it’ (Chaput). Rejoice in what’s good, refuse loudly what isn’t.  


‘Therefore, you rulers, be wise and warned:  

Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.  

Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and you destroyed in your way,  

for His wrath can flare up in a moment. 

Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.’ (Ps. 2:10-12)  


‘Help us live in reverent fear of You. Be our refuge. Teach us to live with our eyes and conscience wide open. Teach us to pray with respect for the impossible task Trump and friends have assumed. Be their refuge.’       


‘Jesus, You are the King, and we are first citizens of Your Kingdom. Would you free us for You in this election season, not to hide but to shine? You’ve always asked nothing less from Your elect whom You have made ‘strangers in a strange land’ (Ex. 2:22). Here we are, a people who don’t know what to do but who look and listen to our King.  


“Father of all holiness, 

guide our hearts to You. 

Keep in the light of Your Truth 

all those You have freed from the darkness of unbelief. 

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.”’ 


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