Aliens in America: Day 31
Wholly Holy

‘As aliens, live in reverent fear’ (1 Pet. 1:17).
This political season has inspired my passion to be a clean vessel, free from self-concern and free for others’ good. Not my natural way. I am basically a selfish person who views reality through the grid of what’s best for me. I need the Holy God, wholly other than me, to break that death grip.
He obliged. I called out to Him, and He chose me and I Him; I needed that familiar husk broken to become fruitful. (‘Queer’ culture creates no kids). I remember when I first consciously began to believe in Jesus and to seek Him amid the other things vying for my attention. I experienced the presence of Another in my human frame: something like Light and Life that wasn’t from me but resided in me.

Holiness. Not mine per se. I was a divided mess. But Another lived in me, one who scripture defines as ‘the refulgence of God’s glory’ (Heb. 1:3), now shining through me! Soon, I wanted to live in that Light and expand its reach. His reach through this guy was, at best, a strobe, not yet a reliable reflection. He’s a good Father; He trains us well to glorify Him.
Peter calls us aliens higher by reminding us that God plucked us out of darkness and filled us with His wonderful light (1 Pet. 2:9). In other words, live luminously! Live holy! Earlier, Peter exhorts us to ‘be holy in your entire way of life, in accord with the Holy One who called us’ (1 Pet. 1:15).
What does that mean? Holiness is as foundational––the crux of God’s command to the Hebrews (Lev. 19:2)––as it is misrepresented (a synonym for Pharisaism). Simply put, God exhorts all His followers to ‘be holy, because I am holy’ (1 Pet. 1:16). The uncreated God is other than us—holy—because He is untouched by what defines the creature—sin-divided lives that result in death. He is not subject to what ails us. But God chose to be subject to our sin and death in Jesus. Now He invites us wholly to partake in His uncreated authority: Father and Son, who give us generously His Holy Spirit. He provides all we need to live out of that stronghold of holiness.
Yeah, we know strongholds of sin that result in selfish little deaths. So, we learn to put sin to death daily. In what power? The holiness that now defines and lives in us.
Calling all aliens! He implores us to be alien to sin and death, even as He is! We can live this. The treasure of the uncreated God is living and breathing and taking ground in us. Sure, we stammer and stumble this side of Heaven but less and less as we look to the Holy One. Through Spirited practice, we internalize Him. Our insides are becoming treasure that won’t wear out but rather gain in refulgence (learn that word). We can’t help it, cause the Glorious One is our Hope. We gaze on Him more than any other person or system.
How does this make a selfish guy like me better? I want others to know Him. I don’t want them for what they give me; I want them to know the Giver.
Last weekend, Annette and I had the privilege of caring for our grandkids. We did all kinds of fun, earthy things. The eldest is now subject a bit to sin and death in the world; I felt inclined to share with him more about Jesus and the Cross and His power over darkness (he’s old enough to ascribe meaning to that). I told him we could just call out Jesus’ Name and make the sign of the cross whenever we need power not to be afraid or to refuse dumb stuff. We prayed a little.

When he left, he gave me this pic. He is beginning to know the Holy One who calls him out of darkness into His wonderful Light.
‘How wonderful is Your holiness, O God. We aliens share in Your uncreated Life, granting us authority over sin and death. We want to bask in holiness, live from it, and reflect Your glorious Presence. Help us grasp how You—the Holy God––live in us. We look outward to You, and You transform us from deep within. May others receive the first fruit of our holiness.’
‘Jesus, You are the King, and we are first citizens of Your Kingdom. Would you free us for You in this election season, not to hide but to shine? You’ve always asked nothing less from Your elect whom You have made ‘strangers in a strange land’ (Ex. 2:22). Here we are, a people who don’t know what to do but who look and listen to our King.
“Father of all holiness,
guide our hearts to You.
Keep in the light of Your Truth
all those You have freed from the darkness of unbelief.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.”’