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Aliens in America: Day 21

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

‘Reproductive Freedom’ and Homosexuality 


‘As aliens, live in reverent fear’ (1 Pet. 1:17) 


I continue to marvel at Kamala leading rallies with her promise of ‘reproductive freedom’ for all. Huh.  


Of course, it dodges the pressures voters face every day. Maybe she’s just being honest; that’s all she knows and is prepared to deliver on. Bring on unprecedented federal abortion rights and intensify access to birth control as the Biden administration just did (free over-the-counter birth control, no questions asked…).  


Sure, Trump has downplayed abortion in his campaign. Call it expediency, more pressing issues, space for outrageous comments. He still represents a party that stands for some semblance of marriage and family life: ‘We proudly stand for families and Life. We firmly believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights.’  


Kamala reframes those rights as ‘reproductive.’ Call me dim, but wouldn’t her main platform be more accurately called ‘the freedom to keep children out of it’?  


The wise grandma extolled tearily the virtue of abortion as the TV camera panned across black females of all ages and ended with the tagline: ‘for generations to come.’  


Which ones? Those dissolved hours after conception, or months, left to die/injected with poison?  


Non-sensical to me. Freedom is a one-way ticket in Harris-land. Women and men, have sex and don’t worry about kids. We’ll keep ‘em out of it. Everyone gets a freedom pass except the fruit of becoming one: a person.      


Harris need not trumpet loudly her LGBTQ+ agenda. It's implicit in ‘reproductive health.’ Rainbow rights are sourced in contraception and abortion. They flow from the same sterilizing stream.  


Think about it. Based on a host of contraceptives and, if needed, abortion, Joe and Jane are free to cohabitate, enjoy the benefits, and get on with their lives without children. They cash in on Harris healthcare—they exercise full reproductive freedom! They master separating sex from children. 


If sexual intimacy can freely and optimally exclude children, then Jeff and John should have the same privilege. Their ‘love’ possesses no end other than enhancing friendship, just like Joe and Jane’s. Reproductive freedom neuters all of us and renders our sexual lives selfish, without an end other than ourselves.      


‘Gay’ and ‘trans’ unions are just another stop on Harris’ train to nowhere—'reproductive healthcare’—no kids wanted.  


Contraception and abortion laid the groundwork. We shifted foundations (Prov. 22:28) and built on a fault line; we sowed to the wind and reaped a whirlwind (Hos. 8:7). 


‘Forgive us, God, for calling evil good and good evil. We defy You with our bodies when we do whatever we want with them. Thank You for the gift of life, worthy of every support we can give new families. Help us to guard the unborn, restrain fetal death, and invest all we can in welcoming and tending to life over its entire span.’   


‘Jesus, You are the King, and we are first citizens of Your Kingdom. Would you free us for You in this election season, not to hide but to shine? You’ve always asked nothing less from Your elect whom You have made ‘strangers in a strange land’ (Ex. 2:22). Here we are, a people who don’t know what to do but who look and listen to our King.  


“Father of all holiness, 

guide our hearts to You. 

Keep in the light of Your Truth 

all those You have freed from the darkness of unbelief. 

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.”’ 


Join Andrew on Desert Streaming each week as he dives deeper into his blog. Watch here or listen on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.


6 comentarios

03 nov 2024

Being pro life I am faced with a decision to support the man whose party against abortion. However Trump has huge tendencies to being an autocrat… not allowing a peaceful transfer of power. He admires Hitler and Putin. Trump provokes fear and is divisive in his rhetoric. I’m unsure if he has the right temperament to handle whatever comes up. Tough choice but seems like the bigger choice is democracy vs. autocracy.

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Lori Milas
Lori Milas
03 nov 2024

I have read your newsletter and articles for over 40 years and pretty much just stood back to see where it all would go. As a Catholic, who has attended daily mass all that time, these topics have been important to me. But I must say some things have changed in the way I view the world. 35 years ago, having already had four children and four horrific miscarriages I became pregnant with twins. I was bedridden early on in that pregnancy and too sick to take care of my family or home, and my husband had left me. But when I saw my obstetrician, he told me that these babies were positioned in such a way over my cervix…

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11 nov 2024
Contestando a

I'm sorry that you were put in such a position, Lori. Being forced to have to make such a decision - even if not entirely correct on the part of the physicians - must be every mother's worst nightmare. As a pediatric physician myself, I think it is unfortunate that obstetricians frame scenarios like this as a "life or death" situation. Of course, I do not know any more details about your specific pregnancy than what you shared, but it is safe to say that abortion - the intentional killing of an unborn baby - is NEVER necessary to save the life of the mother. What may have to happen, however, is the early delivery of such a baby befor…

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