Day 19: Into the Depths
Editor’s Note: TOB is the abbreviation for Pope St. John Paul II’s book “Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body” Pauline...
Day 19: Into the Depths
Day 18: Whole-Hearted Woman
Day 17: Whole-Hearted Man
Day 15: How Mary Loved
Day 14: How Jesus Loved
Day 13: Rediscovering Our Lost Fullness
Day 11: Freedom from Lust, for True Desire (From a Man's Perspective)
Day 10: Welcoming the Gift of the Other
Day 9: Rejoicing in the Body (From a Woman's Perspective)
Day 7: Incarnation--Hinge of Wholeness
Dignifying Marital Sexuality: Day 20
Body Talking, Truer than Lust: Day 19
Embodying and Revealing the Great Mystery: Day 18
Renewed Dignity of the Body: Day 17
Rediscovering Our Lost Fullness: Day 16
The Incarnation: Main Door for a Theology of the Body--Day 13
Open Letter to Pope Francis