Andrew Comiskey

Nov 15, 2019

Slam Dunked (into Mercy)

Once again, we gathered to pray on the City Hall steps; this time we awaited the outcome of our efforts before the Kansas City Council to ensure equality for counselors and clients seeking to align sexual identity with Christian values.

We trusted in Jesus, not the Council. It was clear in last week’s public hearing that no council person was chaste; each one nearly swooned over the activists who testified. This youthful band of ‘victims’ had opened their bed wide to the Council for months prior to any public awareness of the therapy ban. The Council and LGBTers had long consummated their affair.

I led our prayer group in the Divine Mercy chaplet, which directs us to place our trust squarely in Jesus. He alone takes the darkness and turn it around to create a radiance brighter than the gloom of deception.

The deception surrounding the City Council during that vote took our breath away. Keep in mind this is the Midwest—I wager each of the 13 Council members, including Mayor Lucas who proudly declares his faith, would consider themselves Christian. Yet no Council member (except one whose mind was clearly made up) nor mayoral aide would meet with us to discuss our reasonable concerns about this ban. We were flies in the oil of their LGBT+ anointing.

A minister opened the voting session with a Jesus-centered prayer. A few minute later the Mayor invited up a host of other-gender impersonators who draped in rainbow flags tearfully thanked the Council for instituting a Transgender Remembrance Day on November 20th. The Council all but patted themselves on the back for this oblique commemoration. Remember who? On the 20th? Why?

We knew then we were toast. We knew then that the express claim of the Council to uphold honor and justice (written boldly on the chamber wall) was a sham. When the ban came up soon after, the Mayor thanked a sexually ambiguous councilwoman for opening the Council’s eyes to the clear and present danger of reparative therapy upon Kansas City youth. Huh. The Council had no evidence of any therapist or teen client in the city who had damaged or been damaged by seeking to overcome same-sex attraction or working through gender dysphoria by becoming reconciled to their biological selves. None.

The evidence: trumped up, irrelevant anecdotes punctuated by outrageous allusions to Nazi-torture techniques. Hyperbole and propaganda. No evidence. Lies carried the day.

The Council vote on the ban barring teens from therapeutic choice was smiley, unanimous, and once again, self-congratulatory. It passed in a flash.

I felt the deadening realization that out of 13 ‘Christians’ who run Kansas City, not one of them represents what I hold most dear.

My colleague Marco was correct. The Council was dull and uninformed, swayed foolishly by emotional appeals to protect the most vulnerable. Protection from what? Many of the LGBT+ set we encountered were evidently wounded souls; now their wounds are sealed in by the false solutions the Council celebrates —surgically remove your penis! Poison yourselves with alien hormones! Marry your same-sex friend! This Council has no vision of the human person, no sense of the nobility of gender, and what our sexuality is for. Claiming to be Christian, they are secularists who reduce the horizon of hope for the most vulnerable.

So we pray for Divine Mercy. We seek immersion in it. Slam dunked by a Council dulled by rainbow opiates, we trust Jesus to turn around this travesty of justice for the greater good of teens in Kansas City and throughout Missouri. We have just begun to fight, and we will do so out of Almighty mercy. I close with the last lines of the Divine Mercy chaplet.

‘Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us, and pour out Your mercy upon us, that in difficult moments, we may not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence, submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself.’

You can purchase “Becoming Good News” in book form directly from Desert Stream or get it from Amazon for your Kindle.

Please take time to watch our new video and become ‘Chaste Together.’

#DivineMercyChaplet #CityCounsil #KansasCityCityCouncil #ConversionTherapyBan #TransgenderRemembranceDay #MayorLucas
