Andrew Comiskey

Apr 16, 2015

Fruitful and Faithful in London

Like Jacob, Janet wrestled with God and won. She described to me the battle she faced years earlier between the pull of the ‘gay self’ and her Christian commitment; at a Living Waters conference in London, 1994, she chose Jesus and never looked back. Now preaching in her central London church, I beheld her and several others whom God had plucked from the fire and granted a stake in His passion.

Humbled and grateful, ‘ex-gay’ Jim described the five children born since I last saw him. ‘God was faithful to me…He has helped me be faithful to my family.’

Jesus said simply that He came to give abundant Life to all who trust wholly in Him. Whether single like Janet or ‘father’ Jim, He makes us fruitful. Contrast that to the demonic claims of Obama and now the powers-that-be in Britain who claim that anyone who seeks to replace the ‘gay self’ with an authentically Christian one will die, consigned to a ‘death watch’ of suicidal tendencies and a fractured, fruitless existence.

Quoting Obama, and leafleting outside the church where I was preaching, two ‘gay Christian’ men who had become lovers warned all congregants that any kind of change promised by me or any Christian was ‘unethical’, would result in ‘tragedy,’ ‘psychological damage,’ and even ‘the destruction of churches’ due to pastors who seek in vain to leave behind their homosexuality.

Wow. I marvel at the enemy’s work in our nation and abroad who has taken the clear biblical call to pick up one’s cross and follow Jesus as the way of death, not the narrow road that leads to Life. In England, as in the USA, ‘gay Christians’, as well as an assortment of counseling associations, are claiming ‘once gay always gay’ and persecuting churches that think otherwise.

Thank God for Core Issues Trust, an organization which stands for freedom of choice through the Cross of Jesus Christ and sound clinical care for persons who seek transformation of same-sex attraction in the UK and elsewhere in Europe. We gathered in the shadow of Big Ben and Westminster Abbey, Christians of all stripes and vocations to explore the theological, clinical and spiritual ways forward for brave souls who today risk the worst kind of judgments for daring to repent of homosexuality.

During the conference, my friend Robert Gagnon and I had the privilege of proclaiming Jesus’ freedom for persons who seek His way amid same-sex attraction. Having caught wind of our ‘scandalous’ claims, the BBC and other news outlets gave us prime time to announce His good news from coast of coast. Jesus turned around His enemy’s efforts to undermine Hope by amplifying His hope throughout the UK.

Together with all the saints we rejoiced and re-clarified our commitment to how Jesus has been to keep us faithful to Himself and to a younger generation who will perish without our witness of grace and truth. We exercised our rightful authority to silence the enemy of our souls. He changed our mourning into dancing, our fretful silence into shouts of joy: Life prevails over death and makes us truly fruitful.

#London #DeathWatch #exgay #demonicclaims #RobertGagnon #psychologicaldamage #CoreIssuesTrust #BBC #Obama
